- Those who generally have interesting things happen to them on a regular basis that are worth sharing for the enjoyment or edification of others.
- Those who have a unique perspective on life, who can share their thoughts and ideas with others.
I am definitely neither of those. However, I read an interesting blog post the other day, in which the author noted that his reason for blogging was to give life to his own words for his own benefit. It didn't matter if others bothered to read them or whether or not they liked or agreed with what he said. It was a way for him to further explore his own thoughts and give an outlet for his mind to store all it's excess thoughts. And as I've thought about this, I realize that this is also a very valid reason for blogging. This is the reason I intend to blog.
You see, I often find myself deep in thought, my brain full to bursting. This happens most often when I am studying the scriptures (or some other philosophical work of similar complexity) and I encounter a concept I haven't considered before or see a concept or idea in a new way. My brain kicks into high gear and it's all I can do to write down everything that comes to mind, for the sheer sake of keeping my brain from exploding all over the place. Most often I write these in a journal that I keep for such thoughts. I rarely look back at this journal, but some of the thoughts remain with me and those are the ones that I usually feel are worth remembering. Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is that this blog exists for the sole purpose of me emptying my brain of whatever it may be too full of at the time and it will come in whatever fashion it comes. For those of you who bother to read this (I'll be surprised if there is more than 1 of you), you're free to take from it what you will. But if you expect there to be some semblance of order or structure, I'm afraid you will be sorely disappointed. If I so choose to take the time to organize my thoughts for particular posts, I will, but that's not really the point of this blog. So, yeah. Enter at your own risk.
Moving on. Just for the sake of the curious reader, I'll take a minute to define what I mean by deliberate randomosity (seeing as how it is the title of this blog). Randomosity, while strictly not a word, is the non-word (maybe I'll speak more about those some other time) that I've chosen to represent the adjective form of something that is random. Due to the nature of the word random, you would assume that it would have a random-sounding adjective form, right? Well, I did. And when I found out that it's adjective form was just randomness (could you be any less original) I rejected that reality and decided that I would determine my own. The result of much contemplation over that train of thought resulted in randomosity. The process of coming up with that word is what I have deemed the title of my blog: Deliberate Randomosity. It appears to be random, and in some senses it may be (it is not unlike a random number generator in any programming language. It seems to be picking random numbers, but it's just a computer's best attempt to appear random based on a predetermined seed for a modulus...and I'm already breaking out the nerd terms. Hopefully someone can understand and appreciate that comparison). But most often it was very deliberate and calculated. One might even call it premeditated. And that kind of describes my thought process most of the time. While I enjoy the occasional instance of true randomosity, most the time I opt for things that may seem random, but have been contemplated and calculated. I have carefully measured them in my mind before allowing them to be presented to the world. Therefore, even though they may seem random, a lot of forethought has gone into them. Sometimes, even more than the seemingly average and mundane.
So there you have it. My first blog post. Like it or not, it's here. Feel free to comment, if you so desire. There's no guaranteeing what will end up on here or how often I'll post. It just depends on how often I feel the desire to dump my thoughts into this blog and what happens to come out. But hopefully in the process something worthwhile will come of it, either for me or for you.
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